March’s Silk Scarf Giveaway Winner! Chali Valery!

Chali Valery and Husband
April’s Silk Scarf Giveaway Winner! Kathy Burton!

Kathy Burton
May’s Silk Scarf Giveaway Winner…Drum Roll…Katie Smith!
 “I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.†~ Emma Stone
The ping of emails coming in caught my attention. I was pretending to de-clutter my desk, because, let’s face it, how will I find anything if it’s put away? Delighted at the interruption, I checked the messages. Then and there I decided it was time to send out a love note.
To my delight, the winners of March and April’s silk scarf giveaway, Chali Valery and Kathy Burton, had both sent photos of them wearing their scarves. Chali even sent one of her husband wearing the scarf …a first for this artist.
In case you are wondering, I love it when I hear back from those who own a piece of my art. Scarves, cards, photography, and writing…it means so much to know you are pleased and connected with my work.
When I send off a little piece of my heart, I mean art (It’s pretty much one and the same), I can’t help but wonder if the person who receives it is happy. Maybe it’s an insecure artist thing, or maybe I just want to bring about as much euphoria as possible while I’m still bumbling around on this beautiful planet.
So thank you, thank you, thank you, for the “I love it!” notes, for the photos of you with my art, and for the positive support as I let creativity guide my path. Â It means far more than you know.
Getting feedback from fabulous women…and men? The best part of my day!
I may run away from home-just for the day- and end up on your doorstep for a few moments of unbridled “Gail Time”…deal? …I’ll bring the wine and a box of kleenex
It will be a wonderful memory to look forward to.
I’d love it. Just give me a little runaway notice so that my house is decent and my butt is home!