I met with my friend, Jodi Baglien today. Jodi is an Essential Oil Therapist, but that is a thin veneer to all of who she is and all of what she does. One of her newest blends contains a secret oil that almost makes the spiritual tangible. I keep a mister with the blend handy, spritz myself daily, and allow the mist… Read More
Nouns and Verbs
The other day I was meeting a new friend for tea and conversation. We were in that funky stage of a relationship where you want to share enough stories to be interesting, but not so many that one of you exits. Quickly. Vicki was sharing a juicy memory when she suddenly stopped. Her eyes roamed the walls and ceilings. Then she… Read More
Okay. It is no big secret that many women crave chocolate. It is also no big secret that many women would rather savor a choclate moment than a moment with the men in their lives. I’ll still take my husband over chocolate, but he knows it’s a fine line. Today I was feeling off balance–like there is too much to do in… Read More
Thicker than water
Lately I’ve been a magnet for people wishing to unload a few heavy emotions. While I’m glad I can be a safe haven, there are times I question why I am to serve this role. For example, the other day I was donating blood. The very nice Red Cross worker directed me on where to put my arm, handed me… Read More
Soul Friend
Recently a friend gave me this lovely rag rug she made on a loom passed down through the generations. I love it for that reason, and for the thoughtfulness she puts into everything she does. She puts the craft into craftsmanship. As much as I admire Mary Ann, seeing the rug is a daily inspiration to bring joy into my… Read More
A Time Of Wonder
Life would be pretty dull if we knew ahead of time what would happen. I remember coming home from a college class two years ago expecting to walk into the kitchen and begin my relaxation time. It was also my birthday, but I was downplaying that. Unbeknownst to me, my daughter and friends had rigged the door to drop balloons… Read More
Clouds, a grey-it way to start a day
Somewhere, somehow, in recent years I have come to love clouds. I don’t even want to photograph a landscape or cityscape if the sky is completely blue. A clear sky lacks character, in my view, and viewfinder. This morning I woke to grey skies hissing out tiny spitballs of ice. It isn’t personal, it’s Minnesota doing a spring cleaning. I put on multiple layers… Read More
I”ve been reading a lot lately about the education that comes with making mistakes. At least, if we are lucky, we learn something. The point is, women who are really living life are going to mess up from time to time. Instead of berating ourselves, we should be smiling and moving on. I’m on board with this because I mess up a… Read More
Shadow and Light
Every morning before I schlup out of bed, I take a few minutes to visualize the day I want to have, and to send good energy to those I love. I know it’s woo-woo, but it matters to me. Over time, our 18 year old cat, Shadow, has insisted on joining me. She makes sure she arrives in bed as… Read More
ZZZZ hope for sleep
Why is it that some people, and animals, can sleep anywhere, at any time, under any conditions? Why is it others cannot? I remember as a child spending a lot of time at my grandmother’s house. She only lived a short walk–or run, if it was a scary black night–down the road from my parent’s house, and I spent many nights… Read More