A Better Way to Deliver Essential Oils Near Your Hoo-Ha
Don’t you just love divine scents? I do. As consumers we’ve become rather accustomed to candles, room fresheners, and even dryer sheets with essential oils, but do we really understand what an essential oil is, or does, besides smell pretty?
(Some do NOT smell pretty, but have wonderful properties!)
I’d prefer you talk to an essential oil expert about the specifics, but in a nutshell there is so. much. more. to essential oil use than scents. Let me tell you a quick story…
When I was working my way through the last vestiges of monthly pre-menopausal periods, my symptoms were all over the map. Cramps, heavy bleeding, headaches and low energy were frequent companions. But I sucked it up and tried not to complain. That’s what good Minnesota women do.
I was lucky enough to have completed an internship with Jodi Baglien, an essential oil expert, and wanted to see what essential oils could do for my symptoms. In the book, Ayurveda & Aromatherapy by Dr. Light Miller and Dr. Bryan Miller, I found a recipe called Ruth’s Kapha Menopause Recipe (p. 149-150):
- ½ oz flax seed oil, or evening primrose oil
- ½ oz almond oil
- 4 drops rose oil
- 12 drops ylang ylang oil
- 11 drops clary sage oil
- 11 drops yarrow oil
After mixing it was suggested that you put a few drops of the oil on a “Band-Aid†dot and place the dots on the skin over the ovaries, just above the pubic bone. It was suggested the dots be replaced twice a day.  The idea appealed to me, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to buy all the individual oils as it can get quite expensive. (1/2 ounce of Rose Otto oil can cost $275 and up.) Did I mention I interned for Jodi Baglien?
Jodi sells a proprietary essential oil blend called “Women’s Balance.†It sells for $25 and I love it. On her website—Jodibaglien.com– it says:
Product Description
Essential oils can be a woman’s best friend. This blend can be very useful in all stages of life, gentle enough for everyday use. If you are experiencing severe bouts of issues related to hormonal ups and downs, I strongly suggest a intake session to see if this blend is the best fit for you. Clary sage, geranium, lavender, frankincense, vitex, jasmine.
I use the oil by just rubbing a few drops on my skin near my hoo ha. I do get symptom relief, and I like the way it smells. I assume you could use the oil on the Band-Aid dots as well.
Jodi, being the brainiac that she is, came up with an even better delivery system.  She has developed essential oil patches that are pre-packaged and ready to go. How sweet is that? Unfortunately I don’t see the Women’s Balance oil as one of the choices—yet—but if you want relief for other symptoms this is a great option:
Product Description
Introducing the Aromatherapy Patch by Clinical Aromatherapist Jodi Baglien!
My therapeutic Aromatherapy Patches are safe, effective, and easy to use. Â Each self-adhesive inhalation Patch combines patented technology with 100% pure essential oils, professionally formulated and blended to deliver consistent aroma.
- Single use – lasts 6-8 hours
- Inhalation only – no dermal absorption
- Ideal for patients, seniors or kids
- Aromatically and therapeutically superior to single oil patches
Aromatherapy Patches from Jodi Baglien combine patented technology with 100% pure essentail oils, professionally formulated and blended to deliver consistent aroma for up to 8 hours. Simply stick on and go!
Choose 1 of 6 unique patches for use in any environment:
- attention – use to center, ground and refocus your attention
- breathe clear – opens stuffy heads and chests
- calming – eases tension, creates peace and happiness
- guardian – use to strengthen and build resilience
- perk up – invigorate, uplift & improve mental alertness
- q-easy – helps calm and settle uneasiness
Jodi offers a pack of twelve for $25. A couple of bucks for 8 hours of essential oil goodness is a wonderful bargain! Check out her website for more information on classes, products, and product descriptions. Here’s to happy hoo-ha’s everywhere!