Last night, in a near state of exhaustion, I decided to stay up just long enough to hear the weather forecast. It’s almost a law to do so in Minnesota. As I reclined on the couch, I kept hearing a tapping sound, but couldn’t place it.
Giese, our younger cat, goes through stages of playing with certain toys. For example, she’ll be obsessed with a catnip mouse for a few days and then act like it doesn’t exist. Of late her favorite toy is an old plastic donut-shaped ring that has a ball that rolls around inside. I thought maybe that was where the tapping sound was coming from, but no, it sat gathering dust. Hhhhmmmm….
It was then that I looked over my shoulder and noticed Giese sitting on one of the dining room chairs. She looked human, like she was waiting for a meal to be served, and it made me smile. Â As I continued to watch she extended her paw and began batting a couple of pens I had left on the table. Click, click, click. Aha!
“Giese,†I said. “Stay off the table.â€
She glanced in my direction and ducked beneath the table ledge. Slowly, oh-so-slowly, her paw rose up like a phoenix and floated onto the table. Keeping her head down so I “couldn’t see her,†the paw found the pens and in one quick swoop, scraped them off the table and onto the floor.
She went tearing out of the room with a tail that looked like a bottlebrush on steroids. I muffled my laughter into a couch pillow.
Naughty cats. Once again, the best part of my day.