Even Minnesota, that great “fly over” state most people not from here equate to the movie, Fargo, has been searingly hot. A slow and lengthy stretch of days in the upper nineties has shocked us to the point of muttering “uffda,” and meaning it.
With days this hot it is hard to feel motivated to get outside and do the chores that need doing. So what if the weeds are outnumbering the bean plants? (And by the way, why do weeds survive heat, drought, rain excesses, and hateful looks, but the desired plants wither with the slightest discomfort? If anyone has any theories I’d like to know!)
Our husky, Booker, has taken to long dog naps with occasional visits to the block of ice I put in his water dish. Why does he have more sense than me? I’m out mowing the lawn wearing a full body version of the “Ov-Glove” to prevent third degree sunburn. Picture a plump Gumby and you’re close.
This morning the local weather gurus promised this would be the last day of blast furnace temperatures. Mmmmhmmm. My husband had already left for the day so I felt no need to leap into the fire, so to speak. I put on a meditation CD and had a most pleasant start to my morning.
The CD is called A Meditation for Mastering Menopause by Belleruth Naparstek. I had received the CD as a birthday gift from my step-daughter-in-law, and love it. Two twenty minute segments are divided between guided imagery and affirmations.
What I take from listening varies with my mood and with what I need at the time. Today I heard most loudly the tools for attitude change. Instead of fighting the unknowns of menopause I should accept that the hormonal changes are meant to create my best self at this stage of life. I’m sloughing off what no longer serves me, which in turn makes room for what does. That is exciting to think about!
I found when I did get out of bed even Pudgy, our kitten, was in a good mood. Or, maybe I was in such a placid place that it seemed all other living beings were too. Either way I appreciate that she didn’t bit me in the ankle as I made the bed. I can’t control the extreme temperatures outside, and I usually can’t control the playful nature of a kitten or dog, but I can work on a better attitude. One little step at a time is certainly do-able, right?
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