You’ve been there, right? Your day was crazy, nonstop, go, go, go. You’ve barely had a moment to yourself, and when you did you dribbled coffee down the front of the white shirt you just had dry-cleaned. Fortunately, you keep a sweater on hand and can cover up the mocha cappuccino Grande that has become wearable art.
A tension headache is playing ping-pong between your temples and all you want to do is go home, eat peanut butter from the jar, down a sizable glass of chilled wine—or two—and fall asleep. However, reality settles in and you know that is not how the evening will play out.
Your husband wants to eat too, and he isn’t a Jiff and a spoon kind of guy. Then there’s the dog that insists on a walk and kibble, two cats that have been up to shenanigans all day (Really? You had to upchuck on the carpet when the easy-to-clean floor was one inch away?), the laundry that is waiting to go into the dryer, mail to sort, and, oh yeah, you forgot to set anything out to thaw when you left in the morning. What to prepare for dinner has come full circle in your monkey brain of thoughts.
Spaghetti! Yeah, that should be quick, and you’re pretty sure you have the supplies on hand. You step out of the car, shoulder your purse, open the door and walk into the kitchen. And then, like rapture-on-demand, you see something that brings you to your knees.

recipe for happiness
Your husband is standing in front of a mixer. He’s got dinner! The wine is waiting in the fridge, and a glass beckons. Thirty minutes later light and fluffy, eggy-licious, buttery popovers come out of the oven. You’d drool but feel the coffee stain is enough of a shirt decoration. Your husband smiles like the magic man that he is and plops a fat puff of heaven on your plate. Rough day? What rough day?
My guy and popovers? The best part of my day! Here’s a popover recipe link from Ina Garten and the food network: