As a certified, registered, introvert, I have never been the kind of woman who likes to group shop. I do like shopping with my daughter, and I kinda like shopping with my husband if he’s in a patient mood, but even in those circumstances we usually part ways and meet at a set time. There’s something almost meditative about wandering the aisles and hunting through racks of clothes. I don’t have to buy anything, I just want to observe, admire, and see what’s new. I also like to push myself to have lunch alone. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel vulnerable when I sit in a restaurant by myself. It’s as if I need to be reading a book or making phone calls to justify why I’m partnerless in a sea of people.
Today I splurged by taking a me afternoon. The drive to the mall was occasionally interuppted by thoughts of things that needed doing, but turning up the radio volume took care of that. I shopped, I ate, I hummed a little and smiled a lot. Normal activities that seem abnormal to an introvert. It was the best part of my day.
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