It is with great happiness I introduce you to my May silk scarf giveaway ambush model…drum roll, please…Pat Maltz!
Patricia Maltz

Pat Matz
Business Development
Aging But®
Pat is an extraordinary woman who accomplishes extraordinary, meaningful, things. What cracks me up is that she claims she owes it all to milking cows in her farm girl youth. Talk about the “pull” of success!
I met Pat at the recent Aging But Dangerous event at the Smitten Kitten, and knew that gleam in her eye was a direct reflection from the fire of life burning within. Thank you, Pat, for your willingness to model with no notice!
May scarf giveaway…Pat is wearing a silk scarf dedicated to the return of the goldfinches. Shades of yellow float on a white and black background. Want it? Enter for your chance to win it at! Good luck!
P.S. March’s winner is Chali Valery of Florida, and April’s winner is Kathy Gallagher-Burton. Â Thank you!