Have you ever been distracted to the point of being on auto-pilot? Many people mention they don’t remember driving to work, or if they turned off the oven when they left home. Have you ever put the milk in the cupboard and the cereal in the refrigerator? Why are we so preoccupied that we allow routine to numb our brains? I try to be “in the moment” but will be the first to admit I’ve missed the mark too. One Sunday, while in church, I discovered I had two different shoes on. The really embarrassing thing is that they weren’t even the same high-heel heights! How did I not notice that? Well, I thought one of the heels had lost the little skid-proof thingy and that’s why it was uneven. I finally turned my foot so I could check and that’s when I realize I had on one navy blue shoe and one black shoe. Ack!
So this morning I decided to swish my mouth with hydrogen peroxide because I’ve developed a number of canker sores. I find a dilution of water and hydrogen peroxide takes the sting out of the nasty little sores…at least for awhile. I got a Dixie-cup and reached beneath the sink for the peroxide. My thoughts wandered to how my day was to play out. I poured the peroxide into the cup and began to swish. Immediately I realized it was not peroxide and spit it out. I looked at the bottle and discovered I had grabbed the nail polish remover bottle instead. Ptttooey! I rinsed my mouth under running water for a long time but could still taste the polish remover hours later. If ever there was a reminder to live in the present, and pay attention to life, that was it. A hard and distasteful lesson, but the best part of my day!