Then a couple of years ago, I accidentally (Honest! I am way too timid to insert myself into someone’s life), instant messaged her on Facebook, and she responded! I told her about her part in my Tibet experience. She, in turn, shared with me that she had found her true love who she was about to marry. She now lives her “happily ever after” with him in France. Since that unexplained instant message moment, we have continued a thread via Facebook as friends.
The Universe keeps us connected. In another random moment, Wednesday’s Facebook feed let me know that Jodi would be having a book signing in St. Paul. She was back from France for a visit. I have Friday’s off, so I could actually meet her. Whaaaat? Really? I was so excited.
Her signing was from noon to 2:00, where she would introduce her newest book, Bird Song, a compilation of her gorgeous paintings and resonating writing. To kill time I went for a pedicure in the morning, and then with still-wet toes headed to meet Jodi…I hoped. Would she talk with me? I felt awkward and star-struck.
As I walked into the book signing area I looked down and realized I still had the bright, spongy, toe spacers on my feet. I am such a dork. With ninja like poise, I casually bent down and whisked them off my feet and into my purse. Nothing beats a good first impression, right? Ugh.
To my surprise and delight, Jodi looked at me quizzically (and not because of the toe spacers). She said she thought I looked familiar. Barely meeting her eyes, I introduced myself as a friend from Facebook. She immediately brightened with recognition. We hugged, we talked, we laughed. We hugged again. She autographed the books I bought. We hugged again.
Sometimes when you meet someone you have admired for soooooo long, you wonder if they will be the person you imagined. I am happy to report Jodi is genuine, kind, beautiful, and unforgettable. I went home glowing.
Today I met Jodi Hills. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…
P.S. If you should read this Jodi, remember… “Just help yourself to anything in the back.” Always.