Or seven, or ten, or fifteen. I do not mean to come off as cranky, nor do I want to cast a judgmental light on those who attempt to offer tempting quick-read tidbits. I get it. Our society rewards “busy,†so we like to sneak in news and gossip updates while waiting for coffee, a red light, or the dentist.
It’s just that I get weary of reading headline after headline stating “Five Easy Ways to Write a Headline!†Or, “Ten Reasons You Should Always Turn The Volume to Eleven.†Or, “Fifteen Secrets Your Husband Isn’t Telling You About His Nail Fungus and Internet Porn.â€
It’s all good at first because I’m hungry for a little something. Maybe it’s a salty news worthy nibble, or maybe it’s just to get a smidge buzzed on a rumor martini.
At some point, however, like one too many generic nachos, the enticement of numerical blurb-appetizers loses appeal. I want a full-on word meal complete with an “I actually learned something in a beautifully written article†dessert. If it takes me longer to digest, so be it. Wanting…more…the best part of my day.