There’s something about a new kitten that shakes up a household. Beyond the worries of stepping on her, feeding her too much or too little, acclimating her to Pudgy’s sweeping mood changes, and finding her amongst the mysteries of the crawl space, bonding occurs.
Every so often I look up with that “somebody is staring at me feeling†and catch Giese watching me. I smile at her, she continues to stare. I say something soothing, she continues to stare. Finally I blink, and she blinks back. It’s a non-verbal way of saying, “It’s all good.â€
If I’m at the computer and she wanders into the room, I invite her to climb onto the bed nearby. Little needle claws–in grappling hook fashion– inch up the quilt. How cute I think, until she continues her journey up my arm and onto my shoulder. Suddenly needle claws have lost their charm.
Pudgy , dominatrix cat that she is, struggles to let go of her realm. Giese playing with HER toys? Bad. Giese climbing her favorite chair? Bad. Giese eating in the same zip code? Bad, bad, bad. I’m still not sure if they are racing around the house because they are playing, or if Pudgy is trying to commit murder. Maybe a little of both?
Nonetheless, Giese lives with an ease I find quite admirable. Not much causes her undue stress and playtime constitutes 90% of her waking hours. How can I get some of that lifestyle? I bring her up into my arms and she immediately starts purring. We do that bonding wink-thing again and I know joy. It is the best part of my day.