Have you ever had an idea that you thought would set the world on fire with its brilliance only to discover it is smoldering at best? I have. My Capstone Project, a passion that is ongoing despite my graduation from college, involved interviewing women who have made a midlife career change into something more creative and soul feeding. There’s a restlessness that overtakes many of us women as hormones shift, children leave home, and the “I’ve got to’s†suddenly become, “I want to’s.†It’s an exciting phase of life if we choose it to be.
With my interviews and research I firmly believed I would be able to generate more interest in this project. After all, there are nearly 38 million baby boomer women who have reached mid-life and older. We have questions, ideas, stamina, and, well, we’re in this together, right? But I haven’t gained the traction I was hoping for. Yet.
So why am I envious? Of recent times Diane Sawyer, Maria Shriver, Marlo Thomas, and others are doing work similar to mine. An obvious difference, of course, is these lovely and influential women have fame, names, and resources to do what I’m dreaming of doing. When I hear the Today Show introduce another segment from one of these fine women I experience a momentary cringe and inner sigh. “I wish I could be part of their team!†“I wish I could contribute to this swell of positive aging!†Ah, envy.
But then I remember what is important. Women who are influential, women who are aging alongside of the rest of us, are making a difference. They’re exploring positive attitude changes towards what it means to grow older as women in our American culture. I don’t know about you, but I’m weary of the dismissive negative speak concerning aging.
I’ve long stated that it is imperative to share our stories so we can learn from each other. Diane, Maria, and Marlo…I adore what you’re doing and hope I can learn from you. I’ll suck up the envy and do my best to add my voice to yours. Thank you for reminding me what a kick-butt group of women we are, and that together we are scary-powerful.