The wind was on a mission this day. I rather liked walking into it because it gave me an instant face-lift. It also pulled off tufts of our dog’s loose hair…the stuff I keep trying to remove by brushing but he keeps squirming away…and the air took on a white blizzard appearance.
Booker and I made it to our usual turn-around spot where he pee’d one more time for good measure.  As we ventured back home I noticed a dead tree splayed across the road. It wasn’t there mere moments earlier, and I had the creepy sensation that we would have gotten smushed if life’s timing had been just a bit different. What if I’d taken just a bit more time flossing? What if I decided to hit the snooze button this morning? Was I good to go if this was to be my check-out day? Hmmmm.
They say you can drive yourself crazy thinking about the what-if’s, so I let it go. The reality was that Booker and I didn’t get hit by a wind driven tree. We lived to see the sunshine, the wildflowers, and two monarch butterflies waltzing on the wind. It gave me my zillionth reason to live in the moment and to appreciate life. And that my friends, was the best part of my day.
P.S. Have you ever had a close call? How did you feel about it? Please share!