“In 2012, I sold my talent agency and left the industry to pursue (as a business) my avocation and passion: sharing the wilderness experience with others through guiding and teaching in the great outdoors!”
–Peta Barrett
Life is full of serendipity! This past July, while attending the Ely Blueberry Festival, I had the privilege of meeting Peta. She is everything I adore about women following their hearts in the second half of life.
Peta is energetic, charming, goal-orientated, and open. She’s a whoosh of good energy that embraces you and then leads you on to something exciting. Her current venture is Women’s Wilderness Discovery out of Ely, MN. http://womenswildernessdiscovery.com/about-peta/
Want to let your inner-explorer out to play? Peta leads all kinds of groups and ages into the wilderness…mom/daughter, girlfriend outings, women who start as strangers and find a common bond in nature…and makes the time unforgettable.
Thank you, Peta, for being my September Ambush Model, and for being extraordinary! I hope I can follow you into the wilderness sooner rather than later. The wolf in me is howling.
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