The pillow under my head was soft and fluffy, and the top sheet covered “certain” parts of my body. If it wasn’t for my bare back I would have been tempted to snuggle in and take a nap. Tempted, but not attempted. My husband had the video camera ready to roll as soon as Diane came into the room. He wanted to catch all the action. I stretched and waited, anticipating how good I’d feel afterwards.
No, this isn’t some amateur porn movie. We were videoing the next segment for In-10-tions. My friend Diane, a licensed acupuncturist, was to give me a treatment for my upper back pain. What I love about Diane is her huge heart. I’d asked her to talk about the benefits of acupuncture for menopausal symptoms while she worked on my back, but as usual she went above and beyond. For my reading pleasure she had gathered scientific studies on supplements that can support menopausal symptoms. She also made recommendations on Traditional Chinese Medicine supplements for my personal situation. I told her the timing was perfect because I’m scheduled for my annual check-up with my allopathic—or Western– doctor in a few weeks. It feels like the time has come for me to decide if I want to stay on the bio-identical hormones or let my menopause play out.
I learned quickly that the hormones do make a difference. While changing insurance plans my prescription for bio-identical estrogen ran out. Within days I started having hot flashes, and they picked up in frequency the longer I went without the pills. The flashes weren’t terrible, but they did press my pause button. They should call it womenspause instead of menopause! My husband gently implied I was a bit moodier than normal as well. Not hide the knives moody, but moody. I called my doctor’s office and she was able to extend my prescription until my upcoming appointment. Within 48 hours of going back on the estrogen, the hot flashes disappeared. Given that recent experience I’m nervous about going off the hormones again.
Diane, in her caring way, reminded me that it would have to happen at some point. Did I want to be eighty and having hot flashes, or do I want to go through the passage while I’m younger and healthy? She assured me that she had a number of ways of supporting my passage…acupuncture treatments, vitamin supplements, and Chinese herbal supplements. These approaches would be in tune with my body’s cycles instead forcing hormones into my system. As a precursor to letting go of the hormones I will start taking a ginseng-Royal Jelly blend. I’m both excited and nervous. What’s most important is that I trust Diane and know she will use her extensive knowledge to allow my body to flourish. I’ll write updates as things progress. Wish me well!