Life would be pretty dull if we knew ahead of time what would happen. I remember coming home from a college class two years ago expecting to walk into the kitchen and begin my relaxation time. It was also my birthday, but I was downplaying that. Unbeknownst to me, my daughter and friends had rigged the door to drop balloons on me when opened.Ourdog was outside, so I stopped to greet him whilemy husband went in ahead of me. From the darkness I heard, “Surprise!” and then the gasps of confused guests. The doorshut quicklyand muffled thuds and scuffles ensued. Smirking, I walked in as my daughter was attempting to reconnect the rigging. An anemic “surprisssse” struggled from deflated lips. It was perfect. I laughed until I cried when I thought about my husbands face when he walked into my surprise.
As we walk into a new phase of life, and I’m not sure who gets to decide the phases, I hope we all have a few balloon moments.