Our cat, Pudgy, is not trustworthy. Sure, she lurks. She invites people to pet her upturned belly and then bites them. She even rubs her head on my ankle before attacking me. I can live with those eccentricities.
What I tend to worry more about is her litter box use. She’s been fighting a urinary infection due to a frustrating amount of crystals in her urine. When she’s not feeling good she pees wherever it seems like a place of comfort. Corners are of particular interest, as are nooks, laundry baskets, and covered places.
When our kitten, Giese, came to live with us in December we added another litter box to keep the peace. It seems to be working. At least I have not caught Pudgy peeing anywhere else since Giese entered our lives. “Caught†is a tricky word, however. I needed insurance.
In a moment of brilliance I decided to Google “Homemade Cat Deterrents.†A page of likely concoctions popped up and I selected two recipes made from essential oils. I steeped the formulas and put them in spray bottles. (Why two? Why not?) Another tip on the page was to place a sheet of aluminum foil wherever you don’t want a cat to go. In theory cats don’t like the feel or sound of foil, and therefore prefer their cat food wrapped in waxed paper. Kidding about the waxed paper. I think.
I put aluminum foil in several likely pee spots, placed a sheet of paper toweling over that, and saturated the toweling with the essential oil formulas. (Different formula for different spots…a scientific test of sorts.) Both cats watched with interest. Aha, I thought. I’ve repelled them for sure.
A short while later I went downstairs and observed Pudgy and Giese having a grand time sliding on the now crumpled foil. Batting it around the room soon followed. So much for that idea.
While trying not to be catty…attempting new things? The best part of my day.
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