The phone rang just as I was half out of my pants. Should I let the phone ring, or hop over? I opted to hop while Pudgy followed behind trying to pounce on my flapping fabric. The call was worth the effort.
A dear friend of mine has been going through some transitional relationship stuff that I won’t go into here. Normally a vibrant, strong, woman, my friend is carrying a sadness that worries me.
Each year my friend enters floral arrangements in the local county fair, and each year she comes away with oodles of ribbons. Her gardening skills are nothing short of remarkable and the results lend themselves to photography. I’m always delighted when she gives me a calendar with a years worth of her garden beauty displayed.
The phone call was to let me know that this year she had won not only for her floral entries, but she had also won a blue ribbon on one of her photographs. Hearing the pleasure and excitement in her voice after a drought of good times was pure joy.
She still has to deal with the patchy relationship, but today she was happy. It was the best part of my day.